

I envy runners. I want to be a runner. I really want to be a runner.  It looks freeing, empowering.  I'm not a runner.  I know it's going to hurt. I'm afraid I will fail. I don't put on my running shoes (yes, I have some).  I don't try, I just avoid it.  If I don't try then I can't fail.  Right? Wrong!

I spent a good portion of 2012 with this same attitude.  I had some great thoughts about things I wanted to accomplish, books I wanted to read, scripture I wanted to study, fitness I didn't want to do but needed to do, goals I wanted to meet.  I was afraid to fail, so I let these thoughts remain thoughts.  Never pursuing, never running with them to see just how far I could go. I was ensnared by fear of failure.

Towards the end of 2012, I felt that God was placing some things on my heart - ideas, goals, changes that needed to take place but I was stuck.  Not trying, not pursuing, not following through had become normal, comfortable for me.

Last Sunday, I was challenged to "refocus my focus" by my pastor. The message was great. God used my pastor and his message to challenge me further.  My questions were answered and my direction  confirmed. All neatly presented and wrapped together like a beautiful gift. What really spoke to me, what is motivating me, is God's amazing, intimate love for me. I am overwhelmed by His personal love for and interest in Me! 

I do not want to just have great thoughts. I want to pursue those great thoughts with action. I'm throwing off that fear of failure. I want to run!

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith..."  ~Hebrews 12:1-2a

Procrastination - not a character quality but a choice