
Lessons from my vehicle

A few days ago I posted my very first blog.  Since then I have flucuated between excitement and fear over writing another one.  I intend to write about my reasons for this blog but until then I thought I would share with you something I wrote about two years ago...

 We are in what I would call a difficult vehicle situation.  We just recently sold one of our vehicles because it was on the verge of leaving us stranded and costing lots of money in repairs but it had very cold air conditioning.  Our other family vehicle is an old van which I consider in rough shape cosmetically and slightly better shape internally.  It runs ok, when it decides it wants to start.  Actually, my husband fixed that problem today.  This rough vehicle does not have air conditioning and it is proving to be a very hot summer.  Let me just add this little bit of information to the mix. I have a head of curly hair.  For those who have curly hair you know what driving with an open window in 90 degree weather down the interstate will do to curly hair.  I’m talking way frizzy hair-do.
 In dealing with these vehicle problems I have learned several things….
I have learned that God is a God who cares about the small details in my life.  Many times I have prayed for the van to start and then it started.  I have not been stranded once.
I have learned that no matter how bad I think my situation is…it could always be worse.  I recently saw a mother and her children climb into a van that sounded much worse than mine and one of the windows was covered in plastic and tape so thick that I couldn’t see through it.
I have also learned how selfish I am.  I mean, come on, don’t I deserve a good running vehicle with all the extras?
I have also had to ask myself some hard questions...Can I or will I praise God when the van won’t start? Will I praise Him when I am so hot and cranky that I am ready to throw the keys from the vehicle and leave it for someone else to deal with? Will I praise Him when my five children are staring at me with sweaty faces? 
Let me say this in closing…I am convinced that God can provide me with a great running vehicle with so many extras that it would make my head spin.  I am also convinced that God is more interested in my character and attitude then with how my hair will look when I arrive at church.

Our vehicle situation has improved since this time.  Actually, we are car - less.  So how is that an improvement???  We are borrowing a vehicle from a very generous couple (you know who you are and we love you)  that has air-conditioning.  We have also received a gift towards another vehicle (Thank you).  God is spoiling us!


Getting Started is...painful!

Setting up this blog has been a painful process for two reasons:

1.  I'm afraid of failure..."why would anyone want to read what I have to say?"  I will admit that my thought process is often strange and can be quite random.

2.  Even though the videos said that setting up a blog would be easy, it has been quite difficult. 

Please hang in there with me as I try to move what is in my head and heart to this blog. :)